Friday, September 30, 2016

Welcome to Preparing A People!

Ever since we were young children, we have been curious about things we would hear about the Future, everything from The Jetsons,  Battlestar Galactica, and Star Wars, to the Hubble Telescope and what infinite treasures seemed to lie in the great Heavens and Beyond.

We know that millions have had similar curiosities, but now, we are not only mesmerized by the advances in technology and developments in industry, but we have been a witness to the vision opening up to so many millions about our Human Potential, and what billions can also see in the darkness growing. 

It has been exciting to meet and grow close to so many more friends that have had similar curiosities, growing love for life, love for people and what the Future of our World holds. Seeing their gifts, faith, and contributions have been one of the richest parts of our expanding lives.

We spent a life experiencing a huge diversity of people and adventures, and we got to see ourselves operating in a world that just didn't seem to fit our heart's view of people or who we truly hoped to become. We often felt disappointed and hurt with some of the floundering adults and peers in our lives, as well as our own challenges, trying to figure out this puzzle we call Life. What about the awe of those puzzles? We all encounter them at some time or another...wondering where to turn for more than quick fixes or elusive solutions. The world offers tangible "fast-food" diets spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually & socially. We get stuck sometimes in the normalcy of those conveniences we now count on, just moving in and out of a daily grind we seemed to "fall" into without much analysis.  It just seems too fantastical that such an "advanced" and built-up society could go away, or be that disrupted. Never before have a people been so blessed, so enriched materially, or so protected. But change is imminent.

Whether one believes in a Divine Family or Parentage doesn't seem to matter when so many other "things" or events take the place of a gnawing need to rely upon any form of a Higher Power or faith. But, what if things DID change overnight, or within a few hours, as wise sages of old have taken great pains to spell out? How can we know the pure truth, unadulterated and without hidden agendas?

We decided to create this new Website to address some of the interesting questions of our day about spiritual matters, doctrinal ones, educational research and extensive new inspiration that seems to be flooding into the realms of so many in the Human Family. We subscribe to the Worldview of A Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ as prophesied would come by Old & New Testament prophets old. We won't expound on that in this blog post, but we are putting our desire to invite all who are Truth Seekers to come to the Banquet...God's Banquet. We don't infer that this website IS that banquet, but in the Spirit of what a Loving Father and Mother have planned for Their Children, we feel it would honor Them to also "Set the Table" (our Family Table) in our little part of our dominion and creation, as a happy offering to extend blessings to others, as we have felt blessed.

Because we have been enlisted to assist quite a few others, with too many requests for us to fulfill in any quick manner, we are grateful for your patience as we unfold what things HAVE been coming forth. It is a labor of love with mostly donated time and resources to film and document their wonderful contributions (aren't potlucks fun and interesting sometimes?)! We have had so many people hoping that all these fun and inspired classes, lectures, Firesides or testimonies could be referenced in an orderly manner, with the blessing that Technology truly offers us. Mike, my husband, has been such a blessing that way to me, and to so many others who felt hindered by the lack of technology to get their messages presented and expanded upon, in order to fulfill their righteous desires, hopes, dreams and conviction. I know he has been prepared through many decades to answer HIS call to bring his recipes to our table, and to invite everyone to come Feast with us. He hope to prepare for unspeakable blessings to spite of what this world looks like right now.

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 
John 1:5. 

We are in for some great surprises. I always said I loved surprises, but we also both have experienced some gut-wrenching surprises, and also, many more miraculous ones. Now we understand so much more. We were given trials we chose and WANTED in order to comprehend this darkness as an offering to our Maker. That offering is composed of a whole spectrum of colors, conditions, cultures, confusion, clarity, and how we chose in it all (from our hearts, our noblest intentions? Or from bitterness, betrayal, hurt or ignorance?). We get to own what we learned, and how we can perhaps bless others along the way. Why would God cheat us of the process? We are His, and we get to claim our own power, even in weakness, even in spite of weakness. Welcome to our Table. Let's feast.